Privacy Policy

The following text explains Stanley Hunt Jewellers’ privacy policy with reference to the personal information that we obtain from you.

What we intend to do…
At Stanley Hunt Jewellers, we may ask you for your personal details. This would include your name, e-mail address and delivery details etc. We ask these details for our own newsletters we may e-mail to you, delivery on goods etc.

When you submit these details to us, you permit Stanley Hunt Jewellers to contact you with regards to the services you select. Stanley Hunt Jewellers treat your personal information with the upmost care, and respect our customers’ wishes. This means that we strictly follow our Privacy Policy and follow the rules of the current legislation.

Information collected on visits to our site…
When our customers visit our website we use cookies to log information. This is nothing to be alarmed about, cookies are a helpful and useful way for website publishers to log important information regarding product searches and page visits etc. This information helps us bring you, the customer, the best possible experience on our website.

Stanley Hunt Jewellers uses helpful analytical sites, such as Google Analytics, to help log information on page visits, product visits and areas in which we can improve. All of this information is collected anonymously and helps us provide the best online service that we can.

Click here to opt out of this data collection service at any time, simply follow the link below.

What is a cookie?
Cookies are an anonymous tiny file designed to collect information. No information is ever collected with personal details, so they are completely harmless. Some cookies are necessary to allow our site to work properly.

Use and storage of your personal information…
Whenever you supply your personal information to us we have of course, legal obligations to protect your privacy. We will collect the information and inform you if it is to be passed on. However, this is unlikely on the Stanley Hunt Jewellers site as we would rarely need to pass on any such information, and instead reserve it for Stanley Hunt Jewellers use only; and of course we would always inform you and await your consent before any such action. Stanley Hunt Jewellers takes privacy incredibly seriously as our customers would expect us too. Information is stored safely and securely for as long as necessary and when no longer useful is destroyed safely, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Users 16 and under
If you are aged 16 or under, please get your parent/guardian’s permission before using our website services, and or providing personal details. Any persons under 16 years who have not obtained parental permission are not allowed to submit any such information.

Access to your personal information
You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Please address any such requests to the following contact:-

Website Manager
22 The Square
Nottinghamshire DN22 6DQ

01777 703 014